{ ffwd } bowls of soup


It’s been a while since I’ve participated in FFwD. Life and new projects have been keeping me busy these past couple of months. I feel slightly guilty about this. I’ve been wanting to post something for quite some time now but lately the scheduled recipes require that I trek to specialty stores downtown. I know that it’s a little extra effort I’ve signed up for when I joined this group but frankly these past few weeks have been so crazy that I just want to cook something simple, with ingredients that are readily available from my local grocery store around the corner. But me wanting something simpler doesn’t mean that I’ve put away my AMFT. In fact lots of Dorie recipes are quite simple and I’ve made lots of them recently. In an attempt to get my groove back into blogging, I’d like to share some of those photos with you. And although I’m not posting the correct recipe for this week’s FFwD, I’ll at least honour the theme: soup! Glorious bowls of soup.

So first up, corn soup. Since I live in the tropics, my local grocery store stocks up on corn all year round. And they taste really sweet too. I think they come from Indonesia, Malaysia and/or Thailand. Corn is basically a staple in this house. So I decided to make Dorie’s corn soup a few weeks ago. I remember that it was quite easy to make, although taking the kernels off the cob will always be a messy affair, it was fun to make. It was also very creamy and quite thick as well – which we like, although I remember that it was milk that I put into the soup and not heavy cream.

Creamy Cauliflower Soup Sans Cream

Second, creamy cauliflower soup – sans cream. This soup was dreamy. I loved the velvety texture and even more of the fact that it had zero cream in it. I liked this soup so much that I wanted to serve this when we had guests over last week. Sadly it didn’t make the cut because the grocery store ran out of good-looking cauliflower and we were left with the sad looking ones. So we decided to make something else that night. But this soup has definitely become a favourite that I’ll be making again and again. I think I might even roast the cauliflower next time..


Stone soup: a.k.a clean your fridge soup. It might seem like a boring vegetable soup, but I assure you that it’s chockfull of flavours. The herbs were crucial in defining this soup, without them it’s just a plain old boring soup. I also love that this soup can be really flexible. You can use any unloved leftover vegetables you have lying around in the fridge. I decided to leave the veggies in chunks this time and we quite liked sipping on the clear broth.

Leek and Potato Soup

Next, potato and leek soup. How did this one rate? Well… it was not very memorable. Very thin, too thin.. and did I mention watery as in, it didn’t have much flavour in it. It wasn’t a disaster either but definitely have to do some tweaking to make this soup work.

Warm Weather Vegetable Pot-au-Feu

And last but not least, warm weather vegetable pot-au-feu. Yes, perfect for the warm weather, thus for us. We liked this soup. It had a very unique flavour, almost Asian-like with the lemongrass. The shiitake mushrooms were a nice addition to the soup and top it with a poached soft-boiled egg, it was perfect!

Check out:

22 thoughts on “{ ffwd } bowls of soup

  1. They all look wonderful! Well done! and good luck with your new projects! I always wanted a kitchen with an island but my kitchen is so small it cannot fit even a small table. It’s been a while since my last post for the group as well… I hope to get back to it soon though…

    • Thank you so much Maria. Alas, I don’t think my new kitchen will be able to fit an island. It will be very small as well.. I’m not even sure if it’ll fit a small table either 🙂
      Anyway, looking forward to your next post Maria. Bonne semaine!

    • Emily, I tried commenting on your post but not sure that blogspot will allow me on my mac. It has happened to me a few times as well.. anyway, if you read this, just want to say that I think your soup looks great. Especially with those pear garnishes. Very elegant looking. And I was meaning to ask you if you live in Malaysia and if you do, where you get frozen chestnuts from. I’m in Singapore and all we get are those dried ones.. which I’m not sure if they’ll work in this soup. I’ll leave a message on the LYL page as well for you.

      • Actually I was gonna use dried chestnuts in event I can’t find any other options! You have used dried chestnuts for Asian dishes before haven’t you? Wash and soaked them with enough water to cover perhaps in the fridge overnight? I will try dried chestnuts next time I make this, meatier taste perhaps?

      • ps: I also replied you at LYL page. I am from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I got the frozen chestnuts from Ampang Grocers, a mom and pop outlet!

  2. Wow- these all look amazing ! You had my mouth hanging open at the first shot because I was wondering how you got that amazing color on that chestnut pear soup. Duh- sometimes I am a little slow. I chuckled when I read it was corn soup. Then I wanted a bowl 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration ~

    • LOL Tricia. I was lucky to get the right amount of light on my corn soup that afternoon. As you can see by looking at the other photos, it is not always the case. It annoys me to great lengths as a blogger that sometimes when you have put so much work into your cooking and you know your food tastes really good, the sun suddenly disappears and leaves you with unappetising grey looking mush on your photos.

  3. i LOVE my soups. especially during this cold weird summer we are having in sydney right now! i love this post. everything i love about soups and foodblogging!

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