beef stewed in turmeric-ginger broth (pindang daging) a.k.a the ugly stew


After only 19 months of motherhood, I still very much am a novice. I might not be as clueless as when I first started out, but sometimes after a hissy fit or food being spat on my carpet and/or face, Bébé would make me feel like I’ve gained zero knowledge on motherhood. You might think that after more than a year of preparing solid meal for my terrible monkey of a toddler, I should know by now what works and what doesn’t. Well, it turns out I don’t. Every meal I prepare for Bébé has a 50% chance of wounding up on my carpet instead of in her belly. Remember way back when I bragged said that Bébé was such a good eater that she would even engulf unseasoned mashed steamed broccoli in a heartbeat? Well, scrap that. Fast-forward 12 months later and the monkey-toddler would sniff her food and give it a little lick before deciding if it’s worth her time. I wonder where she got this from. The National Geographics Channel??!

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